
Spider Kin (Event)

Category: Traits

An event-exclusive trait that causes the character to display extra appendages on the thighs and torso. These appendages appear arachnid-like in nature.

  • Not much is known about this trait yet.


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Skeletal Protrusion (Event)

Category: Traits

An event-exclusive trait which causes solid bone to protrude from anywhere on the body.

  • Can be paired with Integument to change entire limbs into their skeletal variants.
  • Not much is known about this trait yet.


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Gan Ceann (Event)

Category: Traits

An event-exclusive trait which effects the character’s head specifically. Can present as an entirely missing head and neck, or with a floating head and missing neck.

  • The area where the head would usually be attached is a black/dark void.
  • Can be paired with Wisp to emit smoke from the “void”. Can be paired with Crystalized, Pearlescent, Metallic, and any other texture-changing traits to alter how the void is presented.
  • Not much is known about this trait yet.


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Void (Event)

Category: Traits

“Eyes black as a starless sky, no reflection nor light give signs of life. Only the Void remains- this body is a shell devoid of luster and gleam.”

An event-exclusive trait which portrays the character’s eyes as a completely black void. No iris, pupil or sclera are recognizable- the entirety of the eye is black. The character’s insides are also black- as if the body is a shell that houses an empty void.

  • The Void itself can be affected by other color and texture traits such as Odd Eyes, The Glittering, Wisp, Crystalized, etc.


No examples yet. 

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