


Visual Trait Index




Whishes did not exist before the calamity that destroyed Digamma. Only with the magical tethers holding the Outerlands in orbit around Epsilon are Whishing Stars made possible.



This species is generally very small, ranging from just four inches(10cm.) in length to a few feet(91cm.)!

Lacking teeth, Whishes do not chew their food but instead swallow it whole where it will be broken down in their bodies.

Their bodies are squishy and soft, like marshmallows! Their skin has an almost jello-like texture but can be changed with the Integument trait. Instead of blood or innards, the insides of a Whish is a whirlwind of magic barely contained. If injured, this magic will begin to spill out from the wound and appear as glittery liquid similar in color to the Whishes irises- where it will quickly evaporate and rejoin the magic of Epsilon's atmopshere.

Injuries must be mended quickly for a Whish to recover; as they are small and usually fragile when their innate magic is lost! It is not uncommon for a Whish to shrink in size after an injury like this, but they will be able to regenerate this magical energy overtime and thus grow in size yet again.

Whishes are a Shapeshifting Species. They are able to transform into any other Epsilon species at will with the appropriate prompts completed!

Life Cycle

Life for a Whish only begins after a magical anomoly called a Whishing Star crash lands somewhere on Epsilon. These Whishing Stars are comets that managed to penetrate Epsilon's atmosphere, where they were drawn to the tethers holding the Outerlands in orbit. After stumbling through the tethers, the comets are then imbued with intense magical energy.

Once these Whishing Stars finally crashland somewhere on Epsilon, this magical energy is temporarily displaced at the crash site. It can take moments or days for this energy to finally amass back together in the center of the crash site- where suddenly a tiny sprout will pop up from the ground. The richness of the soil in the crash site makes no difference to the sprout as it receives all of its nutrients from the energy now rooted in the ground below.

It can take mere days or months and sometimes even years for a Whish to finally emerge from the ground- their plant growth now taking the place of the sprout aboveground. The Whish is now fully formed!

Whishes should not be pulled from the ground of their Crash site before they are ready to emerge!

The lifespan of a Whish can vary, but it is assumed they can live for thousands of years if they nurture their magical cores. Shapeshifting into other species such as Lavaleeks can also perpetuate a Whish's life span.

Food & Diet

Whishes are omnivorous! They tend to eat anything they can fit into their mouths; which is surprisingly a lot. Typically Whishes need a lot of food to sustain the constant energy surges from the magic within them!

Character Creation

Head, FACE, & Body

They have a hemispherical shaped body with a single set of eyes and a small mouth set at the front. With the Extra Appendages trait Whishes are able to have small "nubbin"-like limbs!

Eyes, Mouths, & Teeth

Whishes have round eyes with a sclera that is a lighter color than their iris. White sclera can be obtained with the Odd Eyes trait. Their pupils are typically a darker shade than their iris, but the same hue- however they can also be black, white or the exact same color as their iris.
They have colored mouths that match their eyes and no teeth!


Plant Growth

Whishes have plant growth typically towards the back of their body- however, these plants can sprout from other parts of their body on rare occurance. This plant growth is normally the same that the Whishing Comet crashed into which spawned said Whish; but being purely magical creatures, these plants can change as the Whish grows- and sometimes the raw magical energy from the comet itself can change the biological makeup of the plant matter it comes in contact with.

Whish bodies are normally too small to house more than one species of plant, however with the Grafting trait they are capable of growing more than one species.

All species of plant matter are able to sprout from a Whish- whether they are fictional or real plants. If it can be identified as a plant, then it is capable of sprouting with a Whish after a Whishing Star has landed.

Prickly Pear Cactus

Cherry Blossom

Palm Tree


Any part of a plant can be used when creating a Whish with a MYO Slot. Every part of a plant can be present on a Whish at the same time without the Grafting trait, as long as all parts present come from the same plant species.

The plant species are specific- meaning that without the Grafting trait, a Whish could not have multiple different kinds of cacti growing from it (ie. Prickly Pear Cactus Whish only has cacti growing on it of that kind- and does not possess another species such as Kingcup or Rattail Cactus).

Plant Growth must appear to be the same in color as the plant naturally would- any coloration natural to that species is acceptable and multiple colors can be used at once if more than one growth is present. Discoloration/unnatural plant colors can be obtained with the Variegation trait!


Species Feature: One with nature

This feature is a plant growth that will always come with a Whish. This is typically represented by the plant growth sprouting from a Whishes body.
For more information please see the One with Nature feature or the Plant Growth feature.

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