These terms may be updated at any time. These terms will apply to any and all public places the Wold of Epsilon group is present in. Examples of which, but are not limited to, this website and the Discord server. By participating with the World of Epsilon community, you agree to these terms.
General Rules and COnduct
Breaking any of these rules may result in a temperary or permanent blacklisting from the community functions and website.
- Please be respectful to other members. Any form of harassment or bullying is not allowed.
- World of Epsilon is a 16+ website. Please be 16 or older before participating with the site.
- Please do not privately messsage any of the admins or the creators with criticisms of the group. These matters may be posted about in the proper Discord channel or through our site's ticket system.
Purchasing Your Epsilonian designs
- All designers reserve the right to deny a sale to anyone at their own discretion.
- Payment is required within 24 hours of the sale being made, unless other terms are agreed upon.
- Please remember to refer to your designer's terms of service when purchasing a design from them.
- World of Epsilon designs may not be used for commercial purposes. Certain exceptions may apply.
- Ownership of all World of Epsilon designs can be found on this site's masterlist. When selling or trading your character to another member, please transfer them using the site functions accordingly.
- Co-Ownership of Epsilon designs is not allowed.
- Character's Masterlist depict whether or not a character can be sold for; as well as how much.
- Masterlist entries that show a character cannot be sold, are not allowed to be exchanged for real currency.
- Masterlist entries that can be sold and have a numeral value can be sold for that amount.
- Masterlist entired that can be sold but have a zero for their value can be sold for any amount.
- All MYO slots, unless purchased with real world currency, cannot be sold as a default unless value has been added.
- Purchased art can be added to a characters value, please refer to our guide with rules, terms, and how to get that value added to that character.
- Please keep to these rules on all public World of Epsilon platforms (i.e. Site or Discord).
Updating Your characters designs
- All Lavaleek with outdated anantomy may be completly redesigned for free, please see our Legacy Lavaleek Redesign Guide for more information.
- Minor edits to a design may be done for free at any time.
- Medium, major, or complete overhaul redesigns will require an item to be used.
Please see out Redesigning Your Epsilonian Guide for more information.
MYO or adopt creation
- Recreating copyrighted characters as Epsilon characters is not allowed.
- Character designs may be rejected, removed, or refunded if they break any site rules.
- All Designers keep the profit generated from the initial sales of their adopts.
- All MYO designs must be approved and on the masterlist before they can be considered official and be used in public World of Epsilon spaces. Please see our MYO Design Guide for more information.
Temperary or Permanent Blacklisting
- World of Epsilon reserves all right to blacklist members for participating in any public World of Epsilon space.
- Permanent blacklisting may be appealed using the ticket system.